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Vancouver punk band Mediaslaves picks their top 9 albums of 2020.

Deftones - Ohms

Picked by Johnny

Easily my most anticipated album of the last two years and it did not disappoint. The ethereality of Deftones' sound just hits different and this album is a perfect balance of atmospheric echo and skull-crushing riffage. Easily my favourite record of 2020.

Aanthems - Blood Fortune

Picked by Sean

This one makes me daydream about being in a pit at some dive bar or DIY spot with my friends screaming along and pushing and shoving. Which is the best.

Emma Ruth Rundle and Thou - May Our Chambers Be Full

Picked by Jono

I’ve been searching for something like this for a while. Both artists are heavy in their own ways but they killed it together with this collab. It’s a perfect blend of melancholic songwriting and blisteringly heavy guitars. Not to mention the mix of both clean and shriek vocals are breathtaking.

Terminal City Rats - Year of the Rat

Picked by Johnny

I was put onto Terminal City Rats after seeing their album release live-stream. This band has such a punk vibe and Year of the Rat perfectly encapsulates not only the 2020 experience but the 2020 experience in Vancouver, Canada.

The Black Dahlia Murder- Verminous

Picked by Sean

I don't know how these guys keep doing it, every album is a straight banger. This one is just as brutal just as fun as everyone before it, and it doesn't ever feel stale.

Soul Glo - Songs to Yeet at the Sun

Picked by Jono

This is definitely one of the best hardcore EP’s I’ve heard in a while. Loud, fast, noisy and then they throw a curveball with a friggin rap song on the third track that’s heavy as fuck! I don’t know too much about these guys but they sure stuck it to the man on this release!

Dua Lipa - Future Nostalgia

Picked by Johnny

This pick will probably kill my punk rock cred but IDGAF, this record was my whole vibe at the beginning of the 2020 quarantine. It's pretty musically uplifting and has a great 80s fitness music flair. I did a lot of at-home workouts to this record in the first quarter of 2020.

Dance Gavin Dance- Afterburner

Picked by Sean

This album alternates between making me wanna dance and making me wanna sit across from you at a diner sharing a milkshake while staring longingly into each other's eyes. Let's make a fuckin' baby, dude.

Nothing - The Great Dismal

Picked by Jono

This band never fails to get me in the feels. Beautifully depressing shoegaze that I always keep coming back to. Great songwriting and dark lyrics that still manage to get me out of the dumps every time I listen.

Honourable Mentions

AC/DC - Power Up

Caustic Wound - Death Posture

Get Dead - Dancin' With The Curse

Heron - Time Immemorial

PUP - This Place Sucks Ass

Waveless - Sugartree


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